
We developed a physical stock ticker called a TickrMeter that sits on your desk and shows the current stock prices.


About Project

We are aware that investors and traders have distinct methods, timelines, and needs.

TickrMeter is highly adjustable to accommodate both long-term investors, day traders, and everything in between. We developed a physical stock ticker called a TickrMeter that sits on your desk and shows the current stock prices.

The gadget has an ESP32 controller and an E-paper display for keeping track of the prices of cryptocurrencies and stocks like Tesla and Apple.

Your stocks are shown on an E-Paper display using TickrMeter. Because E-paper emits no light and blends in with its surroundings like a framed picture, we chose it for our display.

Set Price Alerts are created by it. TickrMeter should flash, change color, or beep when your configured alarm is activated. from a phone, change the ticker's update frequency and other things.

The tickrmeter's settings are simply editable via a web interface; all we need to do is register our device online. This allows us to make changes to things like setting alarms, such as buzzer or light alarms, and customizing various modes for multiple stocks 

Technology Used

Hardware :


E-Ink display

Stack :